Get 30% cashback up to ₹75* on your next two Simpl transaction on MyGlamm.
What is the offer?
- Get 30% cashback up to ₹75* on your next two Simpl transaction on MyGlamm.
- Maximum discount of ₹150 can be availed during the offer period.
- No promo code required to avail the offer.
- Minimum order value of ₹199 required to avail the offer.
Eligibility criteria
- Offer is applicable for all the Simpl users in the given offer duration.
Offer Duration
- Offer valid between 01st April 2022 to 30th April 2022.
How many times can this offer be availed?
- Offer is applicable twice per user in the offer period.
When will you get the cashback/Discount?
- Cashback will reflect in the user’s Simpl account, within 15 minutes of a successful transaction.
- Cashback details will be communicated via email, SMS and also accessible in the “Transactions” section of the Simpl app.
- The eligible cashback amount will be credited to a user’s Simpl account post settlement of the Simpl bill.
Refund/ Cancellations Policy
- Cashback will be canceled in case of full refunds or partial cancellation of orders.
Other Terms and Conditions:
- This offer can be clubbed with other offers.
- Simpl & MyGlamm has the full right over the offer and reserves the right to make changes to the policies and cancel the offer without prior notice.
- We are happy to assist you with further concerns.